This that everything

Indrapramit Roy



Anant Art Gallery, 2006 (March)

36 pages

Catalogue Essay: Marta Jackimowicz


The untitled mix media work, where one may guess Indrapranit’s Baroda, lets one think of the artist standing somewhere not very high looking at the new many-storied buildings every haphazardly arising in the city amongst an occasional tree. There is a dose of chaos created by the dissipating angles , whereas the same conjures a liveliness holding everything together. The angular volumes are stretching slowly and rhythmically upwards, their perspectival rendering having been sketched lightly enough to make them fill the sheet and almost merge with the picture plane. So the actual dynamics of a living environ acquires an abstracted quality of an art image,  as Indrapramit takes the view for his own. He appears to be standing on the side, at a distant whose personal vantage point can be felt in the thin linear strokes that cross through the image of the surface.


(excerpt from the catalogue by Marta Jackimowicz )