Sense and Sensibilities: A Reflective Realisation

Vikrant Bhise


First ed.


ISBN: 978-81-969231-1-2

Dimensions: 22.9 x 22.9 cm


Released alongside Vikrant Bhise's first solo exhibition of the same title at Anant Art, the catalogue features recent works bythe artist, ranging from the miniature to the monumental in scale, that bring Dalit consciousness and aesthetics to the fore. Vikrant's artistic practice, situated at the intersetion of art and activism, speaks of land, labour, and liberty - the elements of emancipatory politics. The paintings published here reflect a lived Dait experience and pay homage to anti-caste heroes of the Dali Panthers and record landmark moments of Dalit history. 


With Dr. Y.S. Alone's curatorial essay contextualising Vikrant's art and larger activism, the catalogue introduces insightful essays by Arushi Vats, Aatika Singh, and Dr. Umesh Bagade.