Alexander GorlizkiA Brand New Day, 2020Pigment and gold on paper12.5 x 9 in
Alexander GorlizkiA World of interiors, 2018Pigment and gold on paper11.25 x 8.75 in
Alexander GorlizkiClearing in a Forest, 2023Pigment on paper13.25 x 7 in
Alexander GorlizkiEffet de Lune, 2023Pigment and gold on postcard4.25 x 6 inches
Alexander GorlizkiEverywhere All The Time, 2022Pigment and gold on paper
43.2 x 27.3 cm
17 x 10 3/4 in -
Alexander GorlizkiFamily Compound, 2023Pigment and gold on paper11 x 14.5 in
Alexander GorlizkiLandscape Left Behind, 2022Pigment and gold on paper16 x 19.5 in
Alexander GorlizkiLet's Get it Together, 2012Pigment on paper11 x 17 in
Alexander GorlizkiPlease Annunciate, 2023Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 inches
Alexander GorlizkiReady or Not, 2021Pigment and gold on paper33 x 32.4 cm
13 x 12 3/4 in -
Alexander GorlizkiRoute Root, 2016Pigment on paper11.5 x 16 in
Alexander GorlizkiTabletop Party, 2022Pigment and gold on paper8.5 x 13 in
Alexander GorlizkiThe Machine Age, 2023Pigment and gold on paper12 x 8.25 in
Alexander GorlizkiThe Secret, 2023Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 inches
Alexander GorlizkiTime to Party, 2022Pigment and gold on paper22.9 x 33 cm
9 x 13 in -
Alexander GorlizkiTriangulation Nation / Triangulations?, 2019Pigment and gold on paper8 x 12 in
Alexander GorlizkiUntitledPigment and gold on paper8.6 x 8.7 in
Alexander GorlizkiWhatever You Want, Whenever You Want It, 2021Pigment and gold on paper10.5 x 16.5 in
Alexander GorlizkiAdvertising Hoardings #1, 2024Wood and brass29 x 21 x 13 cm
Alexander GorlizkiApollo Flat, 2024Brass49 x 45 x 13 cm
Alexander GorlizkiAt Your Service Mrs Andrews, 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiBasoli Helmet / Hard Nut to Crack, 2024Pigment on motorbike helmet and stone24.6 x 22.8 x 25 cm
Alexander GorlizkiBig Black Plug, 2024Black Marble
Alexander GorlizkiBig Splat, 2024Brass81 x 91 x 2 cm
Alexander GorlizkiBikaner House Rolodex, 2024Rolodex, motor and mixed media on paper26 x 32 x 11 cm
Alexander GorlizkiBloom, 2020Pigment and gold on metal and wood29 x 27 x 30 cm
Alexander GorlizkiBulb Tongue #2, 2024Pigment on woodVariable size
Alexander GorlizkiBulb Tongue #3, 2024Pigment on woodVariable size
Alexander GorlizkiCan You Hear the Mountain Sing?, 2023Pigment and gold on book-plate7.5 x 9.75 in
Alexander GorlizkiChapel Chappels, 2024Brass20 x 19 x 1.3 cm each
Alexander GorlizkiCloud Thoughts, 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiConductor's Lament, 2022Pigment and gold on paper14.25 x 11 in
Alexander GorlizkiDisc Pot, 2024Pigment on earthenware14 x 15 x 14 cm
Alexander GorlizkiDon't Worry, 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiFeed The Young, 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiFern, 2024Brass8.5 x 7.5 x 6.5 cm
Alexander GorlizkiFloral Pattern (Manuscript) #3, 2021Pigment on paper5.5 x 12.5 in
Alexander GorlizkiFloral Pattern (Manuscript) #4, 2021Pigment on paper
5.5 x 12.5 in -
Alexander GorlizkiFloral Pattern (Manuscript) #6, 2021Pigment on paper
5.5 x 12.5 in -
Alexander GorlizkiFloral Pattern (Manuscript) #7, 2021Pigment on paper
5.5 x 12.5 in
Alexander GorlizkiFloral Pattern (Manuscript) 2, 2021Pigment on paper5.5 x 12.5 in
Alexander GorlizkiFly if I Try, 2024Brass11.5 x 13.4 x 10 cm
Alexander GorlizkiFlying Elephant Chair, 2020Wood and digitally printed cotton101 x 48.5 x 45 cm
Alexander GorlizkiForeign Body (Nathadwara) #1, 2024Pigment on wood10 x 16 x 4 cm
Alexander GorlizkiForeign Body (Nathadwara) #2, 2024Pigment on wood
Alexander GorlizkiForeign Body (Zebra), 2024Pigment on wood14.05 x 15 x 8.5 cm
Alexander GorlizkiForeign Body at Rest, 2024Pigment on wood12 x 18 x 12 cm
Alexander GorlizkiForked Socks, 2024Brass11.5 x 13 x 7 cm
Alexander GorlizkiFull Frontal, 2008Pigment and gold on paper9 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiFull Steam, 2024Pigment and gold on paper6.29 x 9 in
Alexander GorlizkiGardens in The Sky and Mountain Projector, 2024Fiberglass and projector and 25" single channel video68 x 40 x 50 cm
Alexander GorlizkiGetting Lippy, 2024
Alexander GorlizkiGolden Sections, 2024Pigment and gold on paper7 x 14 in
Alexander GorlizkiGolden Teabags at Dawn, 2024Gold leaf on teabags and tried herbs22 x 4 x 2 cm
Alexander GorlizkiHands Up, 2024Brass7 x 4 x 2.5 cm each
Alexander GorlizkiIn Search of Beauty, 2023Pigment on book- plate6 x 7.75 in
Alexander GorlizkiIn the Neighbourhood, 2021Pigment and gold on paper16 x 12 in
Alexander GorlizkiIn the Shade, 2024Brass16 x 7 x 7 cm
Alexander GorlizkiJali Saw, 2024Wood and metal75 x 16 x 2.5 cm
Alexander GorlizkiJugernaut, 2020Pigment and gold on paper15.75 x 10.75 in
Alexander GorlizkiJuggernaut #2, 2010Pigment on paper
17.5 x 12.25 in -
Alexander GorlizkiLamp Shade Tree, 2024Paint fiberglass, lampshades lighting fixtures224 x 184 x 163 cm
Alexander GorlizkiLe Massage, 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiLet's Dance, 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiLet's Get it Together Chair, 2020Wood and digitally printed cotton101 x 48.5 x 45 cm
Alexander GorlizkiMadeleine of France, 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiMaquette for a Floral Monument, 2024Pigment on wood20 x 10 x 6 cm
Alexander GorlizkiMarket, 2024Wood and brass30 x20 x 16 cm
Alexander GorlizkiMotor Mala, 2024Wood beads, paint, electric motorVariable sized structures
Alexander GorlizkiMumtaz Mahal, 2024Pigment on photograph8 x 10.5 in
Alexander GorlizkiNeither Here Nor There, 2022Pigment and gold on paper
15.75 x 11.25 in -
Alexander GorlizkiNow Draw This, 2024Painted wood74 x 60 x 34 cm
Alexander GorlizkiOh! , 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiPanels, 2024Wood214 x 55 x 3 cm
Alexander GorlizkiPanther Tea Cup, 2020Pigment on ceramic10 x 7.5 x 6.4 cm
Alexander GorlizkiParrot Egg, 2024Pigment on marble6 x 5 x 5 cm
Alexander GorlizkiPartial Eclipse Lamp, 2020Pigment on fiberglass lightbulbs and fixtures101.7 x 50 x 50 cm
Alexander GorlizkiPlunger, 2024Lacquer on wood51.5 x 12.5 x 12.5 cm
Alexander GorlizkiPlungers, 2024BrassVariable size
Alexander GorlizkiPresenting Forward, 2024Brass15 x 7.5 x 4.5 cm
Alexander GorlizkiQueen, 2023Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiQutb, 2024Pigment on photograph10 x 8 in
Alexander GorlizkiRapt Attention, 2023Pigment and gold on book-plate11.5 x 8.75 in
Alexander GorlizkiRest and Recuperation, 2024Pigment on wood9.5 x 18 x 15 cm
Alexander GorlizkiSee/Saw, 202450 x 14 x 1.5 cm
Alexander GorlizkiSeventy Windows Suit, 2024Digitally printed cotton156 x 65 x 3 cm
Alexander GorlizkiSmall Suit, Big Dreams, 2024Fabric43 x 35 x 2 cm
Alexander GorlizkiSoft Cell Chair, 2020Wood and digitally printed cotton101 x 47 x 45 cm
Alexander GorlizkiSpirit Level, 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiSprout, 2024Brass10 x 4 x 4 cm
Alexander GorlizkiStrap On, 2024Brass10.5 x 14 x 14 cm
Alexander GorlizkiSunsuit, 2024Digitally printed cotton151 x 65 x 3 cm
Alexander GorlizkiTake Me Shoes, 2024Pigment on leather32 x 11 x 12 cm
Alexander GorlizkiTeacher, 2024Brass18 x 6.5 x 3.2 cm
Alexander GorlizkiTesting Times, 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiThe Complaint, 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiThe Tomb of Shamsuddin Iltutmish, 2024Pigment on photograph9.5 x 8.5 in
Alexander GorlizkiThis and That, 2022Pigment and gold on paper14.5 x 5.5 in
Alexander GorlizkiTrajectory, 2024Pigment on postcard4.25 x 6 in
Alexander GorlizkiTwo Globes, 2024Pigment on wood, string, bamboo142 x 40 x 20 cm
Alexander GorlizkiUltra, 2024Lacquer on wood24 x 8 x 8 cm
Alexander GorlizkiUmbrella 1, 2024Umbrella and digitally printed cotton85 x 11 x 1.8 cm
Alexander GorlizkiUmbrella 2, 2024Umbrella and digitally printed cotton85 x 11 x 1.8 cm
Alexander GorlizkiUntitled 1, 2024Wool and viscose96 x 72 in
Alexander GorlizkiUntitled 1 (Pichwai), 2024Pigment on cotton48 x 48 in
Alexander GorlizkiUntitled 2, 2024Wool and viscose96 x 72 in
Alexander GorlizkiUntitled 3, 2024Wool and viscose96 x 72 in
Alexander GorlizkiWaiting For Action , 2010Pigment and gold on paper11.75 x 8.25 in
Alexander GorlizkiWaving Monsters, 2024Gold leaf on brass10 x 5.5 x 4 cm
9 x 6.3 x 3 cm -
Alexander GorlizkiWay Back When, 2022Pigment and gold on vintage photograph10.75 x 12.5 in
Alexander GorlizkiWhat Did I do Wrong?, 2024Pigment on wood15.5 x 14.5 x 5 cm
Alexander GorlizkiWorld of Interiors Shoes, 2024Pigment on leather32 x 11 x 12cm